On December 2nd, Sunlake High School’s girls’ soccer team played against Eastlake High School. The game was intense, with both teams fighting for the win. going into the game, Sunlake was ready to be strong against Eastlake, because they wanted to avenge the loss they obtained last school year. Eastlake scored first then they tied it, leading them to score back and forth the whole game, making it competitive and aggressive. Unfortunately, in the limited amount of time the game was in action, both teams ended up in a 3-3 tie unclear who the better team is. Sofia Bonilla, a junior on Sunlakes girl’s varsity soccer team who played in the game against Eastlake and was named player of the game says, “This game made me feel excited and was thrilling every time we came back with a goal, only making me want to beat them more.” Sofia has been playing soccer since she was around five years old. Soccer was made into something she was passionate about and that she looked forward to doing. “Every game I play I try to learn from each of my experiences, looking back to see what I’ve made progress in and what I can improve on. being in the Eastlake game made me proud of myself because the excitement I had while playing made me do great, leading me to be the player of the game,” says Sofia. It wasn’t expressed if Sofia would like to take her passions outside of college, but no matter what Sofia decides to do in the future, let’s hope soccer is a big part of it.