Leah Foster a 10th grader at Sunlake Highschool and a first-year staffer in yearbook who took Digital Design One last year. She is sad to see summer go, but also looking forward to the year and new memories to come. Leah made many good memories with family and friends. She went to Oregon for a month in the summer with her family, which got her out of the blazing Florida heat, and it was a nice change. She got to watch the Olympic trials at Hayward field, which is a once in a lifetime opportunity. She also went to a cross-country camp for a week. This led her to make lots of new friends who all love to run just as much as she does. Leah exclaims how she already misses summer because of the great experiences she had. Some of the main reasons why Leah joined yearbook are because, “I have always had a passion for writing and when I was in junior high. I was involved in the school newspaper, so I wanted to continue the love for that.” Leah brought up how she has always loved to read which led her down this path. Leah has an interest in writing about sports and academics, especially about cross country, since she is on the team and has been running since fifth grade. Leah is not only just looking forward to writing in the yearbook and contributing, but she is also excited to meet new people along the way.