Sophomore, Ryan Carbonneau is an incoming staffer for this year’s Sunlake yearbook. Ryan wanted to join the yearbook staff because she, “had a lot of fun last year in Digital Design so I just wanted to expand on that.” She said her favorite thing from Digital Design last year was, “… any masking projects we had; those were super fun.” Ryan wants to specialize in the writing aspect and the student life side of yearbook. Ryan had a great time visiting her grandparents in Daytona Beach, Florida for a month during the summer. She went to the beach, jet skiing, and went to universal with her Aunt and Uncle for a day. Even though the summer has come to an end, she is excited to be in the yearbook staff and develop her skills in writing this year. She explained, “I want to specialize in academics, student life, and in club things like extra curriculars because I’m a huge academic.” Ryan has such an ambition for writing and learning more about the people at this school. She can’t wait to write articles and stories on many students’ lives and clubs for this year’s yearbook and create new memories this year.