Savanna Steward, also known as Nick, stepped onto the grounds of Sunlake High School. It was the first day of her 10th grade year, Nick was feeling nervous, but she was excited to start the new year
Her first day went pretty smoothly, the first day jitters calmed down when she saw some of her friends in her classes. Nick chose chemistry so next year she can take AP environmental science. “I really enjoy chemistry,” she says. Savanna is also taking Musical Theatre 1 and Advanced Theatre/Theatre 2, she’s excited to start drama club as the historian, “I’m excited to do the amazing shows and do it with people in the group”
Savanna wore her favorite “Speak Now Taylor’s Version” cardigan, paired with a black shirt, a white floral maxi skirt, and black and white Converse,
Savanna isn’t a fan of the new Sunlake policy and doesn’t think that it is efficient to lock the doors or to have to wait for a coordinator to unlock the doors. After school she’s excited to see her friend, who is coming down for her birthday after she moved away to another state! Nick is excited to start her sophomore year and she is ready to complete her goal, which was to balance academics and extra activities outside of school.