At Sunlake’s bustling freshman orientation, one student stood out as a beacon of enthusiasm and leadership. Christina Bradberry, a dedicated senior and active member of Health Occupations Students of America (HOSA) and this year’s HOSA president, is a manning a booth that draws interest. With a passion for healthcare, she’s eager to share her experiences and the valuable opportunities HOSA provides. When asked what motivated her to join HOSA, Christina stated ” I have always been interested in medicine, since I was a kid I always wanted to know how people worked and have an understanding of what made them function and what to do if they don’t function properly.” This inspired her to join HOSA, in 8th grade she was elected officer and ever since then she has grown to love medicine and the experiences that come with it. When asked what are some valuable lessons that she’s learned throughout her involvement in HOSA, she says, “I learned (that) delegation is important. One person cannot do everything and its okay to accept help. And you aren’t going to win everything, you’re going to have to disappoint and that’s ok. Everyone deserve to be cut some slack,” Which are some very important and useful lessons to carry with you. Christina wants people to be involved in HOSA and she wants to share her experiences in HOSA with freshman. When ask what advice she would give to freshmen she states ” we are a competitive club and want to take as many people to compete as possible even if we don’t all win!”