Michel Capdevila, is a senior in high school on the school football team. Mental health is important to Michel because, “it affects my mental state and the important things I do.” Some ways Michel copes with Mental health is by being in a positive environment, and around positive people like his friends and family. Football is a big thing for Michel because, “it shaped me into the person who I am today both mentally and physically, and it taught me to have discipline and the importance of teamwork.” He was given the opportunity at Rushe middle school and it became the main part of his routine. Mental health affects ones performance on the field; having a poor mindset can diminish someones confidence and can lead to poor performance. “My main goal for this year is to get more tackles and sacks in then what I did last year,” says Michel. What helps with mental health and football is to have good physical health and mental health, because being in a good physical position improves the confidence of a person and creates a physical perception allowing one to be good on the field and feel good while playing the game.