Senior Jared Ryder was one of many Sunlake students who had the opportunity to learn about the clubs that Sunlake High School has to offer. Club fair was an event that occurred during lunches; club members and officers got to share information about their club and get students to join them. Jared Ryder found the fair, “…amazing” and said he, “…learned about all types of clubs ranging from Random Acts of Appreciation to book club.” The fair allowed students to sign up for clubs they found interesting, Jared didn’t sign up for any but he plans on ,”…joining some after learning more about them.” Participating in clubs helps students become more involved in school and meet new people with similar interests, there is also the added benefit of, “…it looking great on college applications,” which is important to seniors such as Ryder since it’s college application season. “Being in a club…will help by allowing me to get cords,” is another aspect of club participation that draws seniors to join clubs. The club fair adds a “…community building aspect to the school,” expressed Jared as he reflected on his overall experience at the event.