A Different Summer – Andres Mackliff
Andres Mackliff on Senior day
September 29, 2020
The summer of 2020 was unlike any other due to COVID. Many people were stuck inside for the longest time putting a halt on summer plans but most people decided to make the most of it. Like Senior Andres Mackliff , “My summer was not as bad as it could have been. I may have missed a lot of hanging out with friends, but i did get to play video games a lot and stay up late so I was not bored”. Summer wasn’t all bad for Andres. Being able to relax is a major part of summer for most people and the weather can be a bit extreme in Florida so staying inside wasn’t all bad. Videos games were a great thing to have over summer as it gave us something to do which was better than nothing. However being forced inside meant no more true vacations, when asked what COVID restricted him from doing Andres said, “A lot of my plans were cancelled. I couldn’t see a lot of people I wanted to see outside of Facetime, and many things such as going to the beach couldn’t happen. So, COVID pretty much pretty much kept me from hanging out with friends”. Seeing people in person wasn’t exactly recommended unless you lived with or near them so communicated online was the only option for most. Down the road stores and restaurants started opening up with either with only pickup or a limited capacity so summer became a little more bearable. Thankfully everything is slowly returning to normal and its not just restaurants opening back up. Hopefully we won’t have another summer stuck inside and we’ll be able to see everyone in person again