On Monday evening, September 23, Caitlin Coll attended Open House at Sunlake High School. Caitlin is a Freshman who loves Jiu-Jitsu and makeup. Caitlin went to Open House because her parents “…like to stay active and engaged with my schoolwork” and saw Open House as a “…good opportunity to be connected.” She states that the reason she came along was because she wanted to “…show them my artwork and progress in my classes”. Caitlin really “…enjoyed Open House because my parents got to know my teachers as well as a few friends I saw there.” but stated that “there were a lot less people then I had expected”. She stated that she “…met other teachers outside of my classes” and “My parents got to ask them a lot about the content we’re learning.”. She said that her favorite class is “…Mr. Florence’s biology class because his way of teaching is very hands on and I find that I grasp the material well. He also does not assign any homework which is a big student win!”. She said that if she ever had to do Open House again she would like “…Shorter ‘periods’…” because even though “Most teachers were super nice to catch up with, we never needed the full 15 minutes”. She did say “The passing is good because you can show your parents what getting into each class is like”.