Mckenzie Richardson is a junior here at Sunlake High School. Mckenzie participated in one of the many events that played a huge role in homecoming week, known as skit. Skit is four separate performances put on by students in each grade level that relates to the homecoming theme. It is super fun and the students love getting to participate in it each year. This year our homecoming theme was Seahwaks at Sea so all of the skits had to do with being at sea. This was Mckenzie’s first year participating in skit. When asked about her experience with skit Mckenzie stated, “I had so much fun making new friends and it was so cool seeing how all of our hard work came together in the end.” Mckenzie had so much fun this year and she can not wait to participate in skit again next year. When asked if she would recommend more people to participate in skit next year Mckenzie stated “Why would someone not want to participate? You make so many new friends and have so much fun.” Mckenzie loved how big a role she had in skit and believes it was the perfect amount for her. Mckenzie loved her experience with skit and can not wait to do it again next year.
Mckenzie’s Skit Experience
October 28, 2024
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About the Contributors
Alyssa Badal, Staffer
I am a junior this is my second year of being a writer for the school newspaper and the yearbook.

Vanessa Da Silva, Staffer
Hi, My name is Vanessa Da Silva and I am a sophomore at Sunlake High School! I am a part of the Girls Weightlifting team, and I am a staffer for the 2024-2025 yearbook and school newspaper. I love writing, hanging out with friends, going on runs, and watching movies. I cannot wait to see what this year has in store for our yearbook and school newspaper!