One day in the middle of September, most of Sunlake’s students/faculty show up to school sporting fresh haircuts, fine clothing, and big smiles. After all, they want to look good in the picture. Underclass Picture day is the day when new pictures are taken of each and every student and faculty member in order to update school records and to appear in the current year’s Yearbook.
Even among the assorted Khakis and Blouses, It was hard not to notice a certain Miss Tonny Klein (9th grade) and her outstanding choice of attire.

As a Freshman, Klein expressed her admiration for school, comparing it to Sunlake’s main feeder middle school, Charles S. Rushe Middle School,”In my opinion it’s [Sunlake] a lot better.” When asked why, she simply stated,”I just like how everyone’s so nice.” Klein also mentioned that in addition to being in Key Club, she is also an enthusiastic artist, “I like to draw.“
“I just went for fancy because I really liked it.” Klein explained, when asked about her current garb, “I like how it goes off the shoulder. It’s like one of my favorite outfits!”
Klein stated that she personally loves picture day and believes that students should “be dressing nice” for the event.”It’s a fun thing,” She said, “getting to show your friends what you look like and everything, even ones from other schools.”
She was happy to see that she wasn’t alone in the sentiment, as apparent by the masses of finely dress people that day.
“Really, I just think that people for picture day should dress nice and look well.“