As Homecoming week is in full swing at Sunlake High school, couples and friends left and right have started asking each other that speical question: “Will you come with me to the Homecoming Dance?” There is a myriad of ways that people achieve this, the most ambitious of which being the “Homecoming proposal.” Homecoming Proposals (commonly abbreviated to “HOCO Proposals”) are when a “asker” publicly asks an “askee” to go with them to the Homecoming Dance that most schools host at the beginning of the year. These events usually involve unique and personalized posters in some capacity, as 12th grader Megan Olson found out when she was “lovingly proposed to” by fellow seniors Alina Diaz and McKinley Cassels in the Sunlake High School Band Room, right before the kick off to the annual Homecoming Football game.

“When it happened I was so confused,” Miss. Olson recounted, “This song from Jujustu Kaisen started playing and I didn’t know where it was coming from till they both come out of the office with a poster of Gojo.” Satoru Gojo is a major character in the popular Japanese Manga/Anime series “Jujustu Kaisen”, in which he is widely considered to be one of the strongest characters in the universe’s canon. In real life, Mr. Gojo is recognized as one of the most popular anime characters of the decade.
Megan had a sneaking suspicion that some of her closest friends were up to something. “I knew they were going to ask me,” She explained, “The only surprise was the song and that the poster was Gojo themed.”
As for the dance itself, Megan was quite pleased with the events of the night, “I spent most of the time running around talking to people and eating and then after we [her and her friends] went to IHOP.”