Joshwa Cote is a sophomore at Sunlake High School. He said his experience there has been, “Pretty good. I enjoy all the classes I take, and I’ve made many friends along the way. Also, my teachers couldn’t have been better. Overall, I enjoy it here at Sunlake. It’s the best school I’ve been to.” The week following Red Ribbon Week was the week of Halloween and on Halloween, students would be able to dress up in a costume and wear it to school. For the dress-up day Joshwa he said he, “Dressed up as Luigi because my little brother’s favorite movie is Super Mario Brothers and I thought it would be nice to dress up with him for Halloween night. So I thought why not wear it to school.” This day was also interesting for Joshwa as he, along with numerous students, dressed up for this day. He said, ” It was nice to see other people’s costumes to reassure myself I wasn’t the only one doing it, it was fun seeing people doing it and people’s costumes and people seeing mine.” Overall it was a notable and memorable day for Joshwa. Finally he added that, “I did like it and it was very pleasing and I will do it for the rest of my high school years and I’ll try to convince other people I know to participate in the dress up days.”