Heidimar Rivera is a senior at Sunlake Highschool and is a part of Sunlake’s weightlifting team. This is her second year being a part of the Sunlake weightlifting team. Weightlifting is a sport that consists of lifting weights and competing in bench, snatch, or clean and jerk. Clean and jerk is when the lifter pulls the barbell from the ground to their shoulders and then from their shoulders to over their head. When asked how her meet went, Heidimar states, “I competed to the best of my abilities and I pushed myself especially for clean and jerk.” Heidimar competed in the 129 weight category for bench and clean and jerk. Heidimar is working to improve in her bench but is confident in her clean and jerk. She thinks everyone should try out for weightlifting. She stated, “Weightlifting is so fun especially if you like working out. It also gives you the opportunity to gain strength.” Heidimar loves being apart of the team and is so sad that this is her last year.