Jacob Whitehead, aka “Lamar,” is a senior at Sunlake High School. He said that his time at Sunlake has been, “Pretty good to be honest. There are weird things that happen other than that it’s not bad. The history teachers are really good which I like since that’s what I want to study in.” This was a fun week for Jacob with it being the Homecoming festivities. One of the highlights for him was going to the homecoming dance. Before he went to the actual dance he said, “I went to USF to take pictures but it was mainly my sister dragging us there to take pictures with her friends.” After a lot of pictures, he went to the dance with some of his friends. He said that overall, “I think it was good. A lot of my friends were there and we were hanging out and all that. But yeah overall it was pretty solid.” After some fun pictures and lots of dancing and singing, it was safe to say, “I would recommend the Homecoming dance to other people, just based on the fact there are so many people there you’re bound to know someone, and getting out with your friends is always better than just sitting at home on a random Saturday night.”

Photo Credit: Samuel Chacon