Sunlake Drama Club held their first annual Drama Showcase on November 14th. The Showcase was created to include and show off the students who were on the Thespian Competition Team which will be competing at Districts in December, as well as students who didn’t make the team, but still wanted to showcase their talent. The showcase included many talented students, such as sophomore Caleb Quaresma. Caleb said that the showcase “…was nerve-wracking. There was a lot of pressure to do good, and there was a lot of people so it was stressful.” Caleb has been doing theater at Sunlake since his freshman year, and he was excited that the Drama Club finally decided to do a showcase. “It ended up being really fun! I got to perform with some amazing people and even though I was nervous at first, I calmed down and had a good time.” Caleb says he’s grateful for such a wonderful team to work with not only during the showcase rehearsals, but competition rehearsals as well. “Our Drama Club people really support each other and the showcase was a great example of that cause we had to work together to make sure the show went smoothly, and it did, and everyone did a really good job so I’m proud of this team,” Caleb said. “If I could do anything differently, I would’ve rehearsed more, just to be extra prepared, but I think the night went really well.” Caleb is proud of himself and his club for all of their hard work and preparedness for this showcase, and he’d like to thank them for their support throughout his time doing theater at Sunlake.
The Drama Showcase with Caleb Quaresma
Mia Young, Associate Design Editor
December 10, 2024
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Ryan Carbonneau, Staffer
Hey, my name's Ryan Carbonneau and I work as a photographer and writer for The Perch and Sunlake's Yearbook production. I love music, writing, and (despite not being good at it) art. I'm really glad to be a part of a production that combines some of these things. I'm hoping to capture as much of the meaningful moments of the school year I can so when we look back, it's the good stuff we want to have physical reminders of. I'm excited to continue in the yearbook and newspaper here at Sunlake until senior year. I plan to go to UCF for college and major either in photography or statistics.