Jazleen Vega, junior, got to experience an epic presentation from a forensics expert during Sunlake’s Great American Teach-In. Jazleen is a great Sunlake student who plays soccer and flag-football for the school. Not to mention, Jazz is in forensic science, and during the Great American Teach-In, she got to see a presentation from an expert in the forensics field. When asked about the expert, Jazz said, “She specializes in that area of forensics, like cleaning up crime scenes after the body is removed.” Jazleen really enjoys the forensics class, and she had mentioned that the Teach-In made her think about careers a lot more. “It made me think about how many more jobs are out there. It was very interesting to see all the stuff she witnesses, and more in depth within the career.” Jazleen was also lucky enough to get to participate in the presentation, saying, “She gave me a personal protection device to try on. She also gave me two sets of gloves and she told us that when she goes to crime scenes she wears a gas mask that filters so she won’t inhale or smell.” Overall, Jazleen enjoyed the presentation and loved getting to see a real-world forensics career.

Week of 11/25-11/29 (Nathaniel Peguero)