The Sunlake High School Girls Basketball Team is having an exciting season filled with growth, teamwork, and special moments. Sophomore Alli Poll, now in her second year with the team, has seen incredible progress both on and off the court. “This is my second season playing Sunlake basketball, and I started basketball my 6th-grade year,” Alli said. Her years of experience have helped her recognize how this team stands out. “I think the team this year is full of growth and love and are doing a good job of playing together.” For Alli, the memories made with her teammates are just as important as their accomplishments on the court. “I have many memories from the season, but some of the ones that are really special to me are the morning breakfasts after early morning practices,” she shared. The December 13th game was a standout moment for the team. “It was a big win for Sunlake and a chance to show how to finish a game as a team,” Alli said.
Through it all, Alli is grateful for her time with the program. “I love being part of this team and have loved the growth as a team and as a person through this program,” she said.