There are many talented thespians at Sunlake who got the chance to display all their incredible performances at the Drama Showcase! Madison Troiani was one of those skilled actors who shared all the fun she had. She explained that her favorite part was performing, “The End of The Line,” from the musical The Theory of Relativity. This was because she was able to take the stage with her best friend!
The preparation for the showcase was very crucial as the Thespian group was preparing to perform for district competitions. Performing in the showcase was, “. . . more so we could get experience with performing our pieces in front of an audience.” She continued to mention how she had a certain number of rehearsals to prepare for the showcase but also for districts. Madison says, “I think the best part of rehearsing is getting to watch everyone else rehearse and perform their performance pieces.”
To Madison, theatre is a form of expression and an art. She says, “Honestly the art form itself means a lot to me and is my driving reason behind doing everything I do for theatre.” Although Madison won’t be pursuing a career in acting or singing, she says, “I’m going to do as much as I can now with my friends!”