This following week Sunlake High School had a club meeting with the club FBLA or in other words Future Business Leaders of America. The meeting covered upcoming competitions, including rules, topics, dress codes, as well as leadership opportunities. In the club, they prepare for competitions, develop business skills, and network with peers. Mikolaj Satora, a foreign exchange student from Poland, had some interest in exploring new clubs and decided that it would be a good idea to join FBLA, “As an exchange student, I wanted to expand my experiences and explore the different opportunities at school. Since I’m interested in being in leadership positions and business, FBLA seemed like a perfect fit.” This is Miko’s only year at sunlake and he wanted to get involved in lots of school activities before he went home, so his friends also helped him join FBLA at the beginning of the school year. As the social guy Mikolaj is, he has also made lots of connections with his peers inside the club, saying, “It’s been a great opportunity to spend time with my friends while doing something meaningful.” He has learned a lot from being in the club like, different event categories, and received helpful tips for preparation.
Mikolaj’s experience with FBLA
January 15, 2025
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About the Contributors
Cadyn Larscheid, Photo Assistant Editor
My name is Cadyn Larscheid. I am a photo assistant editor for the Sunlake High School yearbook committee, my job with the yearbook is to take photos at school events and assign some of my fellow staffers who particularly like to participate in photography to have the opportunity to take pictures at school events as well. It is my job to set up photoshoots for sports, clubs, and other activities. I help add photos to spreads and communicate with the editor and chiefs (Ella Infanger and Sam Chacon) for assigning staffers assignments to the images I have chosen for that spread. along with all the activities I obtained by being in the yearbook, I also write stories and do interviews. I am not alone in the work I do, with the help of Daniel Crane(Photo editor) and Nathaniel Peguero(future photo editor in 2025-2026). I have been a staff member since 2023. I am a senior at Sunlake and will attend Florida Southern College and major in architecture. I have a series of hobbies that include, baking, exercising, hanging out with friends, and an expensive one; building Legos.
Ryan Carbonneau, Staffer
Hey, my name's Ryan Carbonneau and I work as a photographer and writer for The Perch and Sunlake's Yearbook production. I love music, writing, and (despite not being good at it) art. I'm really glad to be a part of a production that combines some of these things. I'm hoping to capture as much of the meaningful moments of the school year I can so when we look back, it's the good stuff we want to have physical reminders of. I'm excited to continue in the yearbook and newspaper here at Sunlake until senior year. I plan to go to UCF for college and major either in photography or statistics.