Weightlifting has become one of the most popular sports in the media. It has captured the attention of millions and competitions have been held all around the world. It has also become a popular sport in high schools across America. On December 19th, The Beauty and the Beast competition was held for both weightlifters and wrestlers in the gym. Senior, Sydney Mack was a part of the weightlifting side of the competition.
Sydney got into weightlifting the summer before her junior year after her dad saw how much she, “…enjoyed going to the gym…” She later found out that there was a weightlifting team at Sunlake, which Sydney did not know about until her dad told her. She then started learning the Olympic lifts during the summer and, “…continued to show up when the season started last October.” Olympic lifts have become Sydney’s favorites because they challenge her. You need to have great technique because, “…your brute strength can only get you so far.” Sydney enjoys weightlifting so much because, “…it’s equally as much a mental sport as it is a physical sport.” It forces Sydney’s mind to get right because if she’s not thinking positively, “… it’ll show in my lifts.” For Sydney, the weightlifting team feels like, “…a second family.” It doesn’t matter if you are older or newer on the team, “you can feel that there are so many people that are happy to stand by your side and cheer you on no matter what.” Someone will always be there to, “…help you back up after a missed lift or to high-five you after a PR.” She also has made many amazing friends through the team and, “stayed close in and out of the weight room.” What Sydney loves most about her team is how welcoming the team is and willing to help anyone. Sydney states, “We’re a very diverse team, and I love how everyone brings their unique strengths and perspectives to practice when it comes time to help each other out”.
Going into the Beauty and Beast event, Sydney felt nervous because she knew that she would have to lift in front of her, “…whole family and classmates…” But, she was confident that she could, “…hit the numbers…” that she needed to when the time came. The fact that the competition was also a “home” competition made her less nervous because it was, “…a familiar environment.” Before Sydney lifted, she warmed up with her teammates in the weight room which helped her nerves because it, “…felt like a practice.” After she warmed up, she went outside to cheer her teammates on. Her nerves calmed and turned into confidence as cheers erupted from the crowd from her teammates hitting their goals. At this meet she would be the last person to go and not only that, she would be following herself with each of her attempts. When it was her turn, her nerves then sparked. But, as she hit her opening numbers, she was, “..set for the rest of the meet…” After the first snatch, the meet started becoming, “…more about having fun…” because she, “…wasn’t overwhelming myself with nerves.”
Overall, Sydney came in first place in the Traditional and Olympic categories for her weight class with a 370 traditional total along with a 355 olympic total. Sydney snatched 155lbs, clean and jerked 200lbs, and benched 170lbs. Sydney was very happy with herself and that she was able to, “…hit high numbers…” She felt like she was, “…proving myself as a pretty good lifter.” The team also did very well, coming in at first place along with other 1st and 2nd place winners as well. Sydney’s future goals for weightlifting includes, “…hitting a 175 snatch and a 220 clean and jerk.” She also hopes to continue weightlifting into college and make it into the Olympics for team USA. The team goal is to have at least 10 people make it to state this February, as there are so many amazing lifters on the team. Sydney is confident that, “…every single one of those girls can make it.” The next meet is districts which are coming up soon. Sydney is nervous, but is ready to show how much growth she’s made as a lifter since last year. She hopes to, “…prove myself as one of the top 6 lifters in the state this year.”