Andrew Colosimo, junior, has had the recurring pleasure of being a part of Sunlake’s Key Club for a number of years. Andrew is a super hard-worker, being a member of NHS, FBLA and doing varsity weight-lifting. But, of course, he also participates in Key Club. Key Club is an awesome group of students that get their volunteer hours by helping out in the local community. As Andrew said, “Key club interacts and preforms in the community to help improve the lives of others. Members are able to volunteer in various activities and events that help the community thrive and events allow us to help those who need it. As a club, Key Club allows people to grow a variety of skills needed in life such as leadership and collaboration through various initiatives.” Of course, Andrew has been a member of Key Club for a few years now, and he has loved getting to be a part of the club. “I’ve been in key club since my freshman year here at Sunlake, and its been an opportunity for me to grow as a person through helping the community and those in need. Key club helps make me feel both accomplished and happy as we actively interact with our local community.”
All in all, Key Club is an awesome piece of Sunlake and it’s community. Key Club is an amazing club that helps those in need, and it is packed full of awesome students, just like Andrew.