Maggie Chauncy a senior who participates in the First Priority Club at Sunlake High School. Maggie has been involved in this club since her sophomore year and is now hosting the meetings as a senior. Maggie’s job during these meetings are to lead the whole group through the Bible verse and the discussions. Maggie said, “As leaders, we all work together to plan the meetings weekly and get it all together.” This helps Maggie and the group make sure the lesson is prepared along with the slideshow presented at the FP meeting. At the meeting held on January 23, there was a mix of games, prayer, scripture, and discussion. They kicked of the meeting by playing a little mini game where the students had to pick out the strawberry’s out of the whipped cream and whoever did it fastest won. Maggie said, “Then, we prayed in and got started on the lesson.” At the meeting they covered prophesies, which are lessons that people receive from God about things that will happen in the future. To wrap the lesson and meeting up they discussed some prophesies made on Jesus back hundreds of years ago . Maggie said, “It was neat seeing how these different people’s visions came to be in such amazing ways.” Maggie and the other cohost put so much time and effort into these presentations to make sure the scripture makes sense and the meeting goes smoothly. Christian or non-Christian Maggie says, “The club is a cool way to experience/ get to know what Christianity is all about. It’s a great opportunity to have community and fun.” Overall the club is all positive and very welcoming to anybody who would like to join.