On January 29th Sunlake High Schools Math Honors Society had their induction meting to welcome new members to the club. Sophomore, Amelie Pham Diep, who has been in the Math Honors Society since she was a freshman, has been awarded the title as treasurer. Her job is to assist other officers in their projects and meetings. Amelie really enjoys math stating, “I want to do something in the medical field which requires math to calculate the dosages.” Being in the Math Honors Society is great for college and to do the career she strives for. With 2 years of experience with the club she states, “I’ve seen the community that our club has built. I’ve also experienced AMA, which is an acronym for American Math Association, a competition through this club. Although we didn’t win it created many memorable moments.” The Math Honors Society also offers tutoring services to assist those in Algebra 1. The club’s membership lasts throughout the entirety of high school. Once you are inducted, you are a member until you either don’t pay your dues or no longer fit the requirements to stay in the club. Amelie really enjoys math stating, I want to do something in the medical field which requires math to calculate the dosages.”