November 18 | Announcements
November 18, 2020
Students, the Metropolitan Ministries food drive will end tomorrow. FCA, Student Council and Metropolitian Ministries are again sponsoring a food drive at Sunlake HS. Students, help your first period class win a dounut party! Students, all you need to do is bring in food items to your first period teacher. The food drive has started and ends on Thursday, Nov 19th. Bring in non-perishable food items like cans or boxes of food and the class with the most items on Nov 19th will win a dounut party sponsored by FCA and Student Council. Those participating will also receive a bracelet! Last year for Thanksgiving, Sunlake raised around 800 pounds of food for the underprivileged families in Pasco County! Lets help others by bringing in your food to first period! Thank you! |
Bob Kamps |