Pep Rally
Cheerleaders put on a dance performance at our pep rally before the Butter Bowl game.
October 27, 2022
This week’s pep rally was based around Sunlake and Land O Lake’s Butterbowl game. The Butterbowl game is the biggest game of the year for both Sunlake and Land O Lakes high school. This week’s pep rally included Sunlake’s football team being announced, a dance battle between students and teachers, and games between each grade – such as who can put on football gear fastest and butter toss. The pep rally also included our school’s cheerleaders dancing to give the school a sneak peek of what they would be seeing out on Lando’s territory that Friday night. One of Sunlake’s Senior cheerers, Arlette Mackliff, who has been cheering since she was six years old says her favorite thing about the pep rally was “definitely the games. It was very entertaining and extremely funny.” Arlette’s favorite thing about being on the Sunlake cheer team is the bond she has made with her teammates and with her coach. During our football games, we always have our cheerleaders showing their best attitudes no matter the score and showing their school spirit. At football games and school activities where our cheerleaders have to cheer, there is a lot of pressure for them to perform in front of the school; commenting on this, Arlette states that she has mixed emotions about performing in front of the school. “I’m both super excited to show the school what we have been working on, but also extremely nervous because everyone’s watching you and you have to do good.”