Inside the Hispanic Honor Society!
A photo of the Hispanic Honor Society on their first meeting.
November 28, 2022
Sunlake has always had plenty of clubs, some not so known and some more popular; however, this specific club wasn’t known to most of the Sunlake kids. This club Is the Hispanic honor society.” Hispanic Honor Society is a place where Spanish speakers or those deeply involved in learning the Spanish language can get together to cultivate their skills in the Spanish language and ways to incorporate it into our community. It is a volunteer-based honor society where we will have several events throughout the year to involve the Hispanic culture into our community!” says Junior Armando Cabrera who is running for the President position in the Hispanic honor society. Armando explains what the Hispanic honor society means to him “It means a lot to me because as someone who was born in South America and moved to the United States very young, it’s been very important for me and my family to continue to involve and include my culture into my life, whether that be with foods, traditions, or activities. It’s something very sentimental to me.” According to Armando, he joined the club because “ having my roots and Hispanic culture involved in my life is something important to me. I have been meaning to join Sunlake’s chapter since my freshmen year and have since tried to bring it back to Sunlake.” Every club has a meaning, a reason to be at Sunlake “This club is important to have at Sunlake because it brings in culture and brings together those that may feel scared to show their roots and brings visibility to those that struggle to find a place at school because they don’t know the norms here compared to their norms in their Hispanic culture,” stated Armando. Having fun in a club is a very important part of the club. “I am most excited for this club this year because we are going to be able to bring Sunlake’s chapter back to life! Our main goal this year is to bring back and incorporate our chapter into as much as possible while also trying to stabilize a chapter that had since been inactive for two years. I am so excited to see what this year holds for us and the activities we will do to incorporate our culture into Sunlake and the community all around!” says Armando. The Hispanic Honor Society is a great club with great people in it, and you should go check it out if it is something that interests you.