A Senior’s Special Ride
Senior Tyler Bigonzi just got a Tesla in May of last year, and he been enjoying it a lot. He has always been a fan of the car, and he says “I like the look of the car, having autopilot, the sound system is really good and the acceleration makes it fun to drive.”
January 17, 2023
As a senior this year, Tyler Bigonzy just started to drive his Tesla in May of 2022. He says, “I was nervous about bringing it to school because I didn’t want it to get hit.” Just like bringing nice jewelry to school, there is always uncertainty about bringing valuables to school. Luckily, there haven’t been any incidents this year. It’s a good thing too, because Tyler has wanted a Tesla ever since he was little. He says, “I’ve been a fan of Teslas since elementary school, so when I received my license, that’s the car we decided on to order.” Driving a Tesla to school can bring many questions and attention daily. Tyler says “I get asked a lot about how far it goes or how long does it take to charge. I also get asked about autopilot and what features it has.” One of the best parts about the Tesla is its futuristic qualities and driving features. Tyler says some of his favorite things about his car are “the look of the car [and] having autopilot.” He also says “the sound system is really good and the acceleration makes it fun to drive.” When in the market for a car, Tyler says, “I wanted the features of a Tesla and thought it had more features that I wanted compared to gas cars in the price range.” One of the best things about a Tesla is its electric capabilities. “I save a lot on gas monthly because I charge at home nightly which is also beneficial,” Tyler says.