The Honors Society’s Cicada. Feat. Ms. Francis and Ms. Hallauer
Ms. Francis and Ms. Hallauer posing by the side of the school.
January 20, 2023

The National Art Honors Society—a once towering figure and powerful sanctuary amongst art creatives within Sunlake—has since been set back to its humble beginnings. There’s no need for introduction when it comes to the villain of these latest years; the virus had been demanding and that’s especially so with our beloved club. Believed to be over seven years old, the club flourished with designers of all trades. Ms. Francis—an educationist of 3D art one, two, three honors, AP Studio Art and one of the supervisors for the club—proudly claims, “Many alumni NAHS leaders have gone on to pursue creative degrees and careers. Before COVID we had regular workshops, monthly visits by professional artists, and monthly workshops with students where they’d share what they were working on.” Despite the setbacks, those behind the adroitness brew have gallantly taken this rebirth with confidence.
Starting from scratch, the club is forced to reinvent itself anew. With such comes the basics of goals and wants. Mrs. Hallauer, a teacher of 2D one, two, three honors, AP Design, and AP Drawing and another supervisor for the club says, “I want this club to be a fun, safe place for all the creative people to come together and be able to share their ideas and share their artwork.” Continuing, “Part of the goal, too, is to make it a comfortable place. In general, a lot of art people are not the ones to go out there and be forward to making new friends, so I think this is a comfortable place to meet and mingle with art people.” Ms. Francis agrees, adding, “The National Art Honors Society has multiple purposes. One is to create a social atmosphere for art students to network and get to know each other. Sometimes our creatives don’t cross paths, and this is an opportunity for us to get to know each other a little bit.” She also covers a more educational lens by sharing, “It’s also a way that students can share some of their passion for art and their specific techniques and also create an opportunity for us to learn about some techniques we might not have learned in class. So, if you’re taking a 3D class, you might be interested in watercolors, and so a watercolor workshop might be something to try out.”
Despite such freshness, there are many plans in the making. Ms. Francis shares her ideas “to support our middle school art programs and our elementary school art programs and kind of build the future of Sunlake art.” She also makes sure to add, “I am looking forward to our induction ceremony, maybe having a guest speaker and I’m looking forward to seeing art students back out in the community at their first community event.”
One beautiful quote, ambiguous yet hopeful, represents the club in its current state quite well. When asked about fond memories or moments from the club, Mrs.Hallauer says, “We’re still making them,” laughing, she continues, “we’re yet to make them.”