New Year New Goals!
Alex Ramos poses for a picture.
January 25, 2023
Making a New Year’s resolution every year is something that most people do. People do this to set goals for themselves in the New Year. Sophomore Alexa Ramos is one of the many people who set new goals for themselves to achieve. “My New Year’s resolution this year is to think positively,” said Alexa. Thinking positively can change a whole person’s mood and the way they carry themselves and may help with stress. ”I’m usually very stressed with school or overall overwhelmed and I end up saying ‘I can’t do this’ or I normally want to give up. And I would like that to stop,” says Alexa. Thinking more positively may help with how stressed someone is and other things like becoming more confident in themselves. However, for most people, New Year’s resolutions don’t last long. There can be many different reasons why someone may not keep up with their resolution for the whole year. “For my past New Year’s resolution, I would usually follow them and then I’d give up half the year because I’d lose motivation. For example, one year I set a goal which was being more active and adventurous. That lasted a good half a year and then I stopped because school started and I had work to do for school and I had major priorities to deal with. I also lose interest after a while but this year I want to make a difference so that I could become a better version of myself and become more comfortable in my own skin.” says Alexa. Keeping up with your goals and actually actively completing them is one of the hardest parts of the goal but believing in yourself and “thinking positively” can really help with this.