Hooked on Crocheting
Rory smiling with their crocheted hat (their first project ever) on.
February 7, 2023
Sophomore Rory Rosario has been learning to crochet for “about two years and a half now, but it’s been very on and off! Originally I started to learn during COVID, but I didn’t start actually improving until 2021 when I made a friend who seemed to align interests.” Their friend isn’t the only one they share their hobby with, though. Turns out, it runs in the family. “An aunt of mine crochets quite a bit! On holidays, she supplies me with yarn sometimes and checks in to help with my projects.”
Between the process and the outcome, Rory definitely prefers “the process! I feel like sitting down after a long day to start a new project is very therapeutic.” They love to try out new patterns, but they “particularly enjoy to make little beanies and granny-squares cardigans. As much as I love my comfy cardigans and cute little shirts, I’m most proud of my blue-and-pink beanie because it was my first ever crochet project!” When they finish a project, they “usually gift crocheted items away if it isn’t something that I grow attached to, you know? Sometimes I’ll make a gift with the intent of giving it away but end up liking it too much!”
In hindsight, they “wish I would’ve known to not accept custom commissions if I wasn’t feeling up to the challenge! I have a habit of procrastination so deadlines aren’t really my thing for these sorts of hobbies.” They have certainly learned their lesson! Aside from reminding them not to bite off more than they can chew, crocheting has also taught Rory how to take it easy. “I think a major part of crocheting is containing an immense amount of patience. It’s very time-consuming so you just have to learn to relax a little with it. Being tense does nothing but make the knots too tight.”