The game that had her in her head.

Senior Alex Gonzalez shooting at the three point line during their districts game.

Makayla Edwards, Staffer

The lady Seahawks played one of the most on-edge games people have seen at Sunlake in a while, this game was against Wiregrass high school in the semifinals for districts. The ending score was 46-42 with the lady seahawks losing by just a mere 4 points, and here are some things senior Alexandria Gonzalez, #14 on the varsity girls’ basketball team, had to say. Alex’s favorite part of the game was the fact that a team they had beaten by a lot was coming back stronger and she loved watching their growth. “I was actually quite happy that the team we beat by 20 before came back with a vengeance and were admittedly harder to play this time around,” stated Alex. When you’re playing a game, you are so determined to win that you may get in your head to focus, which was exactly what Alex was doing. “I was personally just focused on winning, I knew that we were obviously going to make mistakes, that’s part of the game, but the main focus was simply finding good ways to score and not getting antsy because you haven’t gotten the ball for a few possessions.” This is both good and bad in certain situations; to help a player get in the mood and mindset for the game, practice is so important to help. When Alex was asked about the practice she said “It was fun, a little bit different compared to what we usually do, but we still did shooting as usual, just in groups and not individually.” This really got them in the mood for the big game. Another thing to get the lady Seahawks in the mood are the many different drills they do. Alex’s favorite drill is “ to start close to the rim and make 10 in a row right from under, it’s a good way to warm up, but for me personally, I feel uncomfortable any time I start shooting from the three-point line,(or shooting anything outside the block for my first shot) it feels horrible for me.” Being in the districts is an all-around big thing for the lady Seahawks, but this is what it meant to Alex specifically: “the game was win or you’re out, which I guess could make some people feel nervous, especially if you know the team you’re going against is just as desperate as you are to stay in and make it to regionals, I’m glad that we had an audience for most our games, including this one, which is something I never had in my last school (and if we did they would always cheer for the other team when we were losing). This was one of the few games I could really say we were off on many of our shots, which left our coach baffled at the end and unfortunately it happened during districts. Even when we lost we still went to the middle to bow to our fans, the people that have been cheering for us since day one, because as our coach always says, ‘they deserve a thank you’,” said Alex. This game meant a lot to both the lady Seahawks and Alex; while they did lose, they did their best a played a fierce game.