Every year, the new seniors get to paint their parking spots. It’s one of the many events seniors get to participate in during their final year of high school. On Saturday, August 5th, the class of 24′ at Sunlake High School painted their spots. One of the many students that got to paint is Raquelle Labossiere. She claims she enjoyed painting “…because I got to put my ideas together and do a unique painting of pink Spider-Man.” Parking spots have always been a great way for students to express themselves. These spots take hours to paint and with Florida’s average heat of 90 degrees during the summer, it takes a physical toll on students and their families. To prepare herself for the long day of work, Raquelle brought “…cooling towels, water, snacks, and lots of ice”. On top of the essentials, she also brought “pink paint, white paint, black paint, a bunch of brushes, and a paint rolling stick.” All these things were useful in helping Raquelle complete her spot. The reasoning behind her design of Spider-Man was “…I never see anyone do superheroes and I love Spider-Man”. Sunlake’s senior class is ready to take on the year and the rest of the senior events.
Raquelle Labossiere Paints her Senior Parking Spot!
Adia Symmonds, Editor
August 17, 2023
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Adia Symmonds, Editor
My name is Adia Symmonds, and I am currently a section editor and have been doing yearbook since 10th grade.