The Sunlake class of 2024 have entered their final year of high school. On the first day of school, students celebrate this by participating in senior sunrise. This event brings the seniors together as a class and allows them to watch the sunrise together for their last first day. One senior who enjoyed being apart of this activity was Sara Gallo. She explained that she “…loved senior sunrise and thought it was a nice way to start the first day.” However, this event took place during a warm Florida morning and caused students feel hot and humid. Nonetheless, students made it a great morning by finding their friends and taking photos together. Sara spent her senior sunrise with some friends and shared that “…they mean the most to me and make school more tolerable”. Everyone has people in their life who they enjoy spending time with. With senior year being the final year of high school, students like Sara get “…excited for their future and being able to appreciate the time they have left with the people…” they go to school with. Sara is looking forward to “grad bash the most, because it seems like an amazing way to round out the year with friends.” The senior year of high school is like the closing of a childhood chapter in a book. With a flip of a page, the story can end and everything becomes memories of the past. Senior year seems to go by the quickest so its important to enjoy every moment.
Senior Sunrise for Sara Gallo!
Adia Symmonds, Editor
August 22, 2023
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Adia Symmonds, Editor
My name is Adia Symmonds, and I am currently a section editor and have been doing yearbook since 10th grade.