On the first day of school, Sunlake holds an event called Senior Sunrise. Senior Sunrise, also known as senior’s last first day, allows seniors to celebrate their beginning of the end, at least in terms of high school. Senior Megan Stine recounted her experience, saying, “The event was very fun, especially the food! We mostly talked about our summers.” Megan also commented on the social aspects of the event, saying “…there were many people there and we all got to talk about our excitement for our last year of high school.” When asked what she would like to say to the other Sunlake seniors, Megan said “It’s okay to not have everything figured out yet, you still have your whole life ahead of you to decide what you are passionate about.” Megan went on to explain that it is okay to not yet have a career path picked out. She ended by saying “…your friends will always have your back.”
The Beginning of the End for Megan Stine
Daniel Crane, Staffer
August 23, 2023
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Daniel Crane, Photography Editor
My name is Daniel and I am the photography editor for the 2024-2025 Sunlake yearbook, meaning I’ll be directing anything related to photos for this year’s book. We have a great team and I can’t wait to see what we create!