Every year all across the US, students have to transfer from middle school to high school. It is a exciting and nervous time for most. At Sunlake high school in Land O’ Lakes, an influx of freshman have entered the school. Majority come from Charles S Rushe Middle School and Imagine while the rest come from around the area. One student, freshman Jordin Lewis, from Rushe Middle School has just came to Sunlake with her middle school friends. She claimed that her first day of school “was great… I got to see lots of my friends and more of the campus.” Jordin also claimed that a difference between high school and middle school is the size of the school. She says “…middle school is much smaller [and] high school has a lot more people and buildings.” The amount of people changed due to another grade being added as well as the kids being much older. Once the freshman get settled into school they tend to go to school events such as sports games. Jordin and her friends went to the first football game August 17th and thought ” it was fun [ and] Sunlake shows a lot of school spirit.” Social events change how people view school and make the last four years of school enjoyable. Every grade in high school looks forward to different thing throughout the year and the freshman are just figuring out what suits them.
New school, New excitement
Adia Symmonds, Staffer
August 25, 2023
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Adia Symmonds, Editor
My name is Adia Symmonds, and I am currently a section editor and have been doing yearbook since 10th grade.