Every year there are new students joining yearbook. This year, Juan Benitiz joined yearbook as a junior at Sunlake. The reason he joined yearbook, he says, was because “…some senior friends I have are here and they say its fun.” Just like Juan, a lot of students join yearbook because they hear from there peers about how fun it is. Other students join the class because they heard from teachers, and others because they see it on their course card. Within yearbook there are many roles. Some people are writer or photographers, and some are also designers. Juan himself wants to be a photographer, he says, “I am excited about pictures and going to the sports games to interview players.” In this role he gets to interact with different people and share information with the school. Spreading information through yearbook helps people portray themselves in a different way. Yearbook helps many students learn how to work efficiently in a professional work environment. Participating in this class teaches students the importance of a deadline. Besides the importance of deadline, roles, and wanting to be in this class, yearbook looks really good on a college application. It shows that high school students can work under pressure and get things in on time. Juan agrees that “This class is really helpful. It helps you learn about journalism and it helps improve your writing and social skills.” There are many positive benefits and rewards while participating in yearbook that can help a student. Yearbook all over the country has helped with social skills and how they interact with people.