The class of 2027 has many students who are looking forward to all of the excitement Sunlake has to offer. One freshman in particular, Taelor Stevens, is determined to make her first year of high school count. During her time here at Sunlake, she has had a great time getting to meet new people and really find her place at Sunlake.
Taelor explained that her Freshman year “…has been pretty decent, other than adjusting to the workload. It’s been hard but it’s gotten easier.” While most of her peers were intimidated by the idea of starting high school, Taelor had a very blunt perspective going into 9th grade. “I just expected it to be another year of school basically, I didn’t expect it to be anything special.” While Taelor thought it was going to be ‘just another year’, she really does have a love for school and was excited to start this new adventure. She even admitted that she was “… just excited for summer to be over with.”
The week of September 11th-15th was an eventful week for Taelor. She explained “I’m really involved in Drama Club, and I’m the nurse in the school play.” The Drama Club had just had their second meeting of the school year on the 12th and she was really happy to be back again and participate in a fun community. Speaking of drama, Taelor is also in the school play, “Medea.” After a demanding day of work at school, she and her fellow cast members ran through the entire show on the 14th and 15th. She smiled and said that she is “…looking forward to the play, and seeing the final product.” This enthusiastic Seahawk was also looking forward to getting her costumes together for her first Homecoming spirit week. “I’m dressing up all week!” she stated excitedly. She’s thrilled to finally be able to attend her first Homecoming Dance and experience such a fun event with her friends. When asked about what part of her week she’s always looking forward to, she said “…My favorite period, Biology with Ms. Gordy.” She explained that the class does a lot of really fun experiments, including going inside of an inflatable whale. “It was so fun, I loved it,” she said while giggling.
While the week of the 11th-15th was more tiring than others, Taelor is happy that she’s involved in so many fun activities at school that makes it a little more bearable to go to every day.