On September 23rd, Sunlake High School is having its Homecoming dance in the school’s gymnasium. Junior Georgia Crim claims she would not be attending the movie-themed dance. Georgia had made plans before she knew the date of the dance and she didn’t know many people who would be attending at that time. If Georgia had the opportunity to go, she says, “I don’t think I would go if I could. I don’t really like school dances or the environment it’s taking place in.” Georgia isn’t very fond of the Homecoming dance because it is in the school’s gym and thinks it would end up being too crowded for her interests. If the dance was held at a different location, Georgia said, “I would consider going if it was in a different place besides the gym and had enough space for everyone.”
Georgia claims that the production and advertisement of the dance made any questions people may have had more well-known. If she could change anything about the homecoming dance this year, she stated, “If I had to change anything about the school dance, I would have it anywhere other than the school’s gym or school in general or maybe the price of tickets.”