Sunlake offers a number of opportunities for students to participate in the local community and make a positive impact. One event where students can make a powerful difference is the blood drive through OneBlood (that’s those big red buses). During the day of the drive, students can attend to donate blood and then head right back to class. It’s an simple and convenient solution that makes it easy to get blood to those who need it.
Two students who attended the blood drive to donate were junior Dylan Nyikos and senior Nathan Lauer. The two explained their experience with the blood drive, with Dylan saying “I helped participate by donating with some friends… It was a very nerve wracking experience.” Dylan did expand on that explanation, saying that the process was reassuring and that it was something he had been wanting to do. Nathan also explained his experience with the blood drive, saying “I attended the blood drive because I have never donated blood and I thought I would give it a try.” Both students expressed how they initially felt nervous, but were able to relax after some time.
Dylan said donating “…only took me around one hour…” while Nathan said that donating “…takes about thirty minutes to an hour.” The two did mention they missed some class time while donating, but Nathan explained: “Afterwards I didn’t feel too bad, but I had to sit out of gym so if anything maybe I was a little bored.”

After the blood drive, students were given food and shirts as a thank you. The food helped replenish lost nutrients during the donation process, and the shirt was a nice thank you gift that could also act as a way to spread the word about giving blood. Dylan said after donating, he “…felt relieved and great that [he] was able to do a rather fun and simple thing to help people in need.” Dylan also wanted to say “…thanks to the staff with all the help and reassurance that the journey would be excellent.” Dylan also wanted to give a special shoutout to bus three, which was the bus he donated on. Nathan also said, “I have respect to those who attended as it is a nerve wracking experience.”
It’s great that Sunlake students are dedicating time to helpful community events such as the blood drive. It’s important to get involved; events that help others can both make a difference and improve one’s own wellbeing. Students are also given the chance to discover how community service impacts the local community, not to mention the gifts they receive after donating!