Junior Tyler Dunbar attended the USA themed football game with his friends. When asked about how junior year has gone so far, Tyler stated, “… that it has been good even though I got sick with mono and missed multiple weeks of school. Overall, classes are good, so I can’t complain.” Having a great schedule with the classes you want and encouraging peers is all a student at any grade level could ask for. The home football game Tyler attended at Sunlake resulted in a loss, but he said, “I would have enjoyed the game more if we were able to get touchdowns, but it was still fun to hang out with friends.” Outside of schoolwork, sports games can be a really fun time for students to get involved in what Sunlake has to offer. Compared to last year, Tyler states, “…this year is much harder, and I have to pay much more attention in my classes. Also, the phone rule is kinda hard, but it makes it better to learn.” This phone rule has definitely been hard for many students with many complaining about it. Nevertheless, it also encourages more engagement in class ultimately helping to improve students’ grades. A good schedule is also important for a student’s success in school. Tyler also said, “…my schedule is amazing; I have five classes with my friends and no math first period, so that’s a major win. I also got the best lunch, so everything is perfect.” A good schedule and friends can transform a student’s experience in school and help them be more successful. Tyler looks forward to the rest of his junior year.
Tyler Dunbar at USA Football Game
Junior Sept. 11-15th
Adia Symmonds, Staffer
September 29, 2023
Tyler Dunbar dressed up in patriotic themed clothes for the USA themed football game.
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About the Contributor

Adia Symmonds, Editor
My name is Adia Symmonds, and I am currently a section editor and have been doing yearbook since 10th grade.