Here at Sunlake, chemistry carries a reputation of being a very rigorous class but as junior Sofia Tellado stated, “If you actually do your work, it’s not that hard.” Although it can be rigorous, chemistry can be an engaging and hands-on class. Labs offer students opportunities to roll up their sleeves and indulge in various activities. These experiments offer a glimpse into the chemical world. As Sofia said, “Seeing how things react is not something you see every day and it’s cool to be exposed to.” However, labs can also be stressful with the teacher’s high standards for lab reports. Despite its reputation for being challenging, many students find chemistry to be their favorite science class. Knowing and understanding
difficult concepts provides students with a sense of pride, which leads to excitement for new lessons. One reason chemistry is argued as harder than other science classes is due to the teachers, not just the concepts. The teachers have high expectations for their student’s work and as Sofia said, they “…prohibit mediocracy.” With Sunlake’s dedicated teachers leading the way, chemistry continues to be an adventure worth embarking on for those who dare.