Savanna’s week has been pretty exciting, but also stressful. Savanna is a freshman here at Sunlake, and she has really enjoyed her first year so far. “My week has been pretty decent, it’s been sort of difficult getting schoolwork done, especially since it’s the end of the quarter.” Savanna expressed that she has been feeling pretty stressed out lately. She has loads of schoolwork to get done in her classes, while also having to rehearse for two different auditions this week. Savanna said: “…I’ve been working on auditions for the Drama Club competition team. We’re doing auditions for our one act play, Oprah Made Me Do It and we also have auditions for Thespy’s, the competition team.” Savanna and her friends have been working for months to rehearse musical numbers that they’re gonna take to competition. If you get on Sunlake’s competition team, you have an opportunity to win scholarships and awards. “It’s a pretty big deal for us…” she explained. After all of the hard work of auditioning and doing homework, Savanna finally gets to relax during the three day weekend. “Last week was opening week for our play, and I had to go to school after a week of working till like, 11:00 pm.” Savanna is thrilled to finally get to chill out for a little while, until she has to do rehearsals for all the events she auditioned for.