New School Year, Same Work Ethic – Evan Inge

Photo By: Aidan Neal

Evan working hard on his schoolwork out of school.

Aidan Neal, Staffer

With students not being in school for close to 5 months a lot of students have adapted to not having to do school work, but not for students like senior Evan Inge. Evan has been working extremely hard throughout the summer to keep his work ethic and GPA as high as it can be with all the new changes that have been made with school.

Evan Inge (Photo By: Aidan Neal)

When asked about how his days have been changed from what he was used to in school he mentioned that, “The only real major difference is commuting through classes.”, and also noted that, “…wearing masks is not to much of a big deal and its more worth it to wear them and go to school rather than not going to school at all.”.  Regarding this being Evan’s final year in high school he says, “I’d like to keep my GPA at least where it is now, or go even higher and I would also like to do my college applications and get into some good colleges, but most importantly enjoy my senior year.”.  For most seniors their goal of graduating seems to not let the limited freedom they’ve had over the last few months overwhelm them and make them forget about future goals and this seems to be the same with Evan. He has been one of the best students academically in the class of 21′ and wants to keep following his goals in hopes of getting into “University of Florida, University of South Florida, Georgia Tech, Clemson or University of Georgia”. Currently college is his most long term goal but he thinks that “…having a college degree will enable me to chose my own path…” and says he will major in any of the major areas in engineering and is ok with, “…basic engineering”.  Evan thinks school so far has been “…a good experience” and also states, “…its not any worse I don’t think. It’s just a lot different, but this year is shaping up to be a good year.”.