Junior Cameron Witkowski had a very entertaining week. He went to Disney World and had a fun art project to work on.
One of the highlights of his week was a trip to Disney World. He enjoyed the many rides and stated, “The Peter Pan ride was my favorite.” Although Cameron had a lot of fun at Disney World, he also spent part of his week focusing hard on tests and projects. The main project Cameron was working on was a still life project he had for art class. It involved drawing realistically shaded objects interacting with light in an environment. He used graphite and charcoal to draw objects such as fruit, a net, and a basket; he spent the most time adding shading to the basket. Cameron put hours of effort into his still life project to the point where it practically looked real. He stated, “…my favorite part was finishing it.”
After a week of being busy with various assignments and tests, Cameron said he “…can’t wait to take a really good nap.” He had fun working on the art project and going to Disney, but was also very enthusiastic for upcoming events with his friends such as watching a movie over the weekend.