Digital design is a class offered at Sunlake that teaches the principles of design and how to apply them in various software. Freshman Ryan Carbonneau is taking the introduction to this course, which will provide experience for a variety of career paths. “I think it’s fun, but a little challenging of course,” he said. “It’s a bunch of new tools that I’ve never seen before, but once you get a hold on everything, it’s super fun.”
Since this is an introductory class, Carbonneau goes in with little experience. His main reason for taking it is because it serves as a gateway to a wide range of job. He also simply enjoys experimenting in Adobe Photoshop. “I’m thinking of pursuing marketing as a career,” Carbonneau explained, “…but overall, I just enjoy this class.”
Besides a few small interactions with classmates, digital design is mostly individual work. “It’s really quiet most of the time. Sometimes I help my classmates when they’re struggling with something or I’ll ask for their opinion on something.” This week, the class has begun a Monopoly board project, involving the use of multiple art boards. “It’s just another extension of layer organization,” Carbonneau explained. “I wasn’t the best at that, but there’s always room for improvement. We have to make the money, the properties, and the railroads, as well as the board itself.”