Sage Hardcastle is a junior at Sunlake High School with three midterms rapidly approaching. A midterm is an exam students must take at the end of each semester. Unfortunately, Sage has not had the opportunity to study for her upcoming exams yet. Nonetheless, Sage feels that if she cannot find time to study it will not be much of a problem for her because she grasps the content well in her classes. This junior who works a lot said, “…next week I work twenty hours which is the week of final exams so honestly, I just have not found the time.” Another remark Sage made was that she is “…not a huge study student…” and that the subjects come naturally to her. Sage is not worried about failing her midterms, but if she does, she will be upset because these are a big percentage of her grade. Sage said, “I would feel bad if I failed especially because it’s worth a lot of points of my grade. Also I’m not big on school; I don‘t try as much as I should, but I get decent grades.” Sage feels like classes that involve reading and writing are more of her strong suit and the subjects on the midterms she is taking revolve around the areas she is strong in. In the end, she should not have a problem passing.
Is Sage Ready to Pass Midterms?
Cadyn Larscheid, Staffer
January 3, 2024
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About the Contributor
Cadyn Larscheid, Photo Assistant Editor
My name is Cadyn Larscheid. I am a photo assistant editor for the Sunlake High School yearbook committee, my job with the yearbook is to take photos at school events and assign some of my fellow staffers who particularly like to participate in photography to have the opportunity to take pictures at school events as well. It is my job to set up photoshoots for sports, clubs, and other activities. I help add photos to spreads and communicate with the editor and chiefs (Ella Infanger and Sam Chacon) for assigning staffers assignments to the images I have chosen for that spread. along with all the activities I obtained by being in the yearbook, I also write stories and do interviews. I am not alone in the work I do, with the help of Daniel Crane(Photo editor) and Nathaniel Peguero(future photo editor in 2025-2026). I have been a staff member since 2023. I am a senior at Sunlake and will attend Florida Southern College and major in architecture. I have a series of hobbies that include, baking, exercising, hanging out with friends, and an expensive one; building Legos.