Coming back from a long winter break, the administraion for Sunlake decided that it would be a great idea to go over ground rules and remind everyone of the important rules to follow. So, they decided to have an assembly on the first day students came back to school. On January 10th, the assembly was held in the gymnasium. Each grade level went to the gym during a certain period. For senior Jennifer Lovins, it was during her 3rd period along with all the seniors on campus. This wasn’t just any assembly though. The administration tried something new this time. They tried to make it more interactive and fun. Jennifer said, “…instead of just throwing information at us, we played a game where two people would try and answer the question before the other. Getting the answer right would result in a prize.” The person that didn’t get it right would have to stay up there for the next round. The reward they were giving out was either sunglasses or portable reading lights. When asked if Jennifer thought this was a waste of time or if it was helpful to have this assembly, Lovins said, “I think it was helpful for us to get a reminder of rights and wrongs.”