Freshman Olivia Fish-Cofino isn’t just navigating the halls of high school—she’s taking charge of her journey and delving into a multitude of skills to decide what she wants to pursue. One class that has piqued her interest is Digital Design, involving the basic principles of design which she has grown to enjoy. “I saw that I could get certified in Photoshop,” said Fish-Cofino, “…and I thought that would be cool.” Over the first semester, the class has revealed her newfound enthusiasm for design. “I wasn’t really interested before, but I started taking this class and I saw that I liked to do more Photoshop type stuff, so it’s kind of become a passion of mine,” explained Fish-Cofino.
She expresses enjoyment in the class, finding it relatively easy. “It’s interesting and Mr. Webster is really good at teaching it so it’s pretty easy for me to follow,” said Fish-Cofino. “When he first introduces stuff, it’ll take me a couple of days to get the hang of it, but once I do, I’ll be pretty decent at it.”
Her latest assignment involved crafting a Monopoly board based on a theme of her choosing. Fish-Cofino cleverly incorporated her love for theatre into the project, designing every aspect of the project around different productions. She explained, “The boardwalk represents Cats because it’s the longest running production, and the little money I turned into tickets.” The project offered almost complete free rein, with the only requirements to create a Monopoly board and to use specific Photoshop tools. It gave her a platform to express her interests creatively and served as an enjoyable learning experience within the realm of design.