Winter break is the perfect time to slow down and relax. Most families will be celebrating the holidays during this time, but for Remley Velde and her family, they decided to celebrate a huge accomplishment by taking a trip to California. Remley travelled with her “…mom, stepdad, brother, aunt and uncle.” Remley and her family were overjoyed to be going to California for a very special reason. “I went to Los Angeles and Anaheim over winter break. My mom is now in full remission from ovarian cancer and she wanted to do the Disneyland races, so we went as a family to support her and experience Disneyland together for the first time.” For Remley, it was a very touching experience getting to see her mom healthy enough to finally run a race throughout Disneyland. While Remley supported her mom at the race, that wasn’t the only thing they did on their trip. “We went to Disneyland and California Adventure, went sightseeing in Los Angeles at places like Rodeo Drive and the Hollywood Walk of Fame, and went to Palm Springs.” Remley had a great time exploring throughout all of California, but her absolute favorite part had to be “…club 33 at Disneyland. It’s this ultra exclusive club and it was the coolest experience.” Club 33 was absolutely one of the coolest new things Remley had done on this trip. The trip had been going amazing, however, there was eventually a low after so many highs. “My least favorite moment was probably when our car got broken into and our stuff got
stolen!” This was an upsetting encounter, but Remley wasn’t going to let this ruin her entire trip. After all, travelling is one thing that Remley is very passionate about. “I travel all the time, I love going new places and seeing new sights.” Travelling to Anaheim and Los Angeles was definitely unlike any other trip Remley had ever been on. Overall it had been a pretty great trip for the Velde’s, however, Remley had a few regrets. “I regret focusing on the negatives and the things I wasn’t able to do. there were some places we couldn’t go or rides we couldn’t go on and I focused on the fact that I couldn’t do that.” Remley doesn’t want to let her regrets define the trip. She is focused on the good that happened and how nice of a break it was from reality. So, Remley’s trip to California had it’s ups and downs. But altogether it was one of the happiest trips she’s ever taken to the happiest place on earth.